What Are Some of the Jobs that Require CPR Training?

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CPR – cardiac pulmonary resuscitation- is an acquired skill, one that may be necessary for select field hence the need for CPR training. While there are many careers that require formal education, a good number require that an individual is well versed with CPR techniques. Listed below are some career fields where this training is important, as well as the significant role that a qualified person in such a career plays.


It is impossible to work as a nurse without undergoing CPR training owing to the very nature of the job. Nurses are almost always working with sick individuals or those who require specialized care. For this reason, getting trained in CPR procedures is mandatory. Click here for more information about CPR training for Nurses.

First Responders

These individuals will usually be the first to respond in case of an emergency. Due to the wide array of emergencies that may occur, it is obvious why anyone who wants to join this field must go through training.

Police Officers

Police Officers face daily challenges in their line of work, and will often encounter accidents that require immediate first aid. CPR techniques will come in handy at such times as this could be the difference between life and death.


Lifeguards are naturally predisposed to encountering situations where CPR training is required as they may have to save people who could drown.


Firefighters are often called upon in different kinds of emergencies, and many of these emergencies will require the administration of CPR.

Nannies and Babysitters

Nannies and babysitters are also required to undergo training, but that which is specifically channeled to infant and child CPR.

In summary, all careers that are health-related will require that professionals take part in CPR training.

Are there any other benefits of having undergone training in CPR?

Having CPR certification certainly increases career prospects for just about anyone. What’s more, with such certification, one can make job applications in numerous sectors within the health industry. These sectors include, but are not limited to hospitals, schools, homes for the old as well as jobs with companies which provide CPR training services. With this information at hand, you may want to ensure that you get certification from institutes which have been accredited by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). This way, you can be sure that you are getting quality CPR training.

There are different levels of training, so it is imperative to make a clear decision prior to choosing any given course. When training for individual purposes, you may choose to learn the basics, but if you are training for career purposes or are keen on social responsibility, then more intensive CPR training will be ideal for you. Remember that the sole purpose of a CPR certificate is to verify that you are indeed qualified to provide CPR when called upon to do so. You must also keep in mind that the certification must be updated on a regular basis. In many cases, recertification is done within one year.

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