Identifying A Stroke

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When someone experiences a stroke, this is a severe condition that can have a big impact on your life. A stroke occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is obstructed, therefore, permanent damage can occur because of the loss of blood. This is why it is important to get medical assistance as soon as possible if you suspect someone is suffering a stroke. The sooner the emergency services arrive; the better chance they have to make a recovery.

Identifying the Symptoms of a Stroke

To determine if the situation is a medical emergency it is important to ensure that you know how to identify the symptoms and signs of a stroke. There is a simple way to remember the signs you should like for and this is by using the acronym – FAST: Face-Arms-Speech-Time.

Identifying A Stroke

  • Face: You will notice that a person’s face may start sagging to one side, they might be unable to speak or keep their one eye open.
  • Arms: A person who has a stroke may feel weak and they will be unable to lift their arms.
  • Speech: The speech is usually indistinct or jumbled. Even though they may appear awake, they will have a difficult time trying to talk.
  • Time: When someone is having a stroke, time is important. You need to phone for an ambulance immediately.

More Information on Symptoms and Recognition of Strokes

The material posted on this page is for learning purposes only. The best way to learn to recognize, prevent and manage strokes is by attending a first aid and / or CPR course in your area today. Visit our locations page for more information about training centres in your area.

Causes of Strokes

To perform properly and function correctly, the brain needs oxygen. When there’s a shortage of oxygen, the brain will cease to function. This can cause permanent brain damage and even death. Why does this actually happen? There are two main reasons:

  • Ischaemia: A blood clot causes the supply of blood to stop; this is the reason for 85% of strokes.
  • Haemorrhagic: This occurs when there is burst blood vessels in the brain.

There is also TIA, also referred to as transient ischaemic attack. These are tiny strokes that can occur and last for minutes or even hours. Sometimes, these mini-strokes could be an indication that a major stroke is about to take place.

Risk Factors

There are approximately 110,000 individuals in the UK who experience strokes, and it is known the third leading cause of death. A leading cause of disability is also the result of brain damage caused by strokes. There are a number of risk factors that are out there.

In most circumstances, strokes take place with those who are older, however, they can occur at any age. Also, those who are Caribbean, Asian, or African usually have a higher chance of getting a stroke. The cause for this is that they regularly have a generic tendency to experience high blood pressure. Issues that you manage that can result in a stroke are smoking, being large, not doing any exercising, and implementing a poor food regime.

Related Video On Strokes

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