General Guidelines in Role Delineation Competencies

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workplace approved CPR HCP Courses explains about role delineation competencies as crucial part in first aid

First Aid and CPR Classroom in Calgary
First Aid and CPR Classroom in Calgary

Injury Assessment is a crucial part in first aid and training plays a vital role. It is the first phase upon approaching the scene of the injury or ill condition. Individuals who have undergone first aid training in Calgary must be aware of the guidelines of the components in injury assessment and care of injury so as to fulfill their respective roles in the first aid team efficiently and you can . The components are: prevention; clinical evaluation and diagnosis; immediate care; treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning; and organization and administration. The following are the guidelines in role delineation competencies.

For clinical evaluation and diagnosis, first obtain a history through observation, interview, and/or review of relevant records to assess current or potential injury, illness, or condition. Then inspect the involved area(s) visually to assess the injury, illness, or health-related condition. Palpate the involved area(s) using standard techniques to assess the injury, illness, or health-related condition. Also, perform specific tests in accordance with accepted procedures to assess the injury, illness, or health-related condition. After that, formulate a clinical impression by interpreting the signs, symptoms, and predisposing factors of the injury, illness, or condition to determine the appropriate course of action. And then, educate the appropriate individual(s) regarding the assessment by communicating information about the current or potential injury, illness, or health-related condition to encourage compliance with recommended care. Lastly, share assessment findings with other health care professionals using effective means of communication to coordinate appropriate care. You can also find for other CPR courses online.

[note color=”#91ADDD”]For prevention, maintain clinical and treatment areas by complying with safety and sanitation standards to minimize the risk of injury and illness.[/note]

For immediate care, above all things employ life-saving techniques through the use of standard emergency procedures in order to reduce morbidity and the incidence of mortality. Consequently, prevent exacerbation of non–life threatening condition(s) through the use of standard procedures in order to reduce morbidity. Facilitate the timely transfer of care for conditions beyond the scope of practice of the athletic trainer by implementing appropriate referral strategies to stabilize and/or prevent exacerbation of the condition(s). Then direct the appropriate individual(s) in standard immediate care procedures using formal and informal methods to facilitate immediate care. Finally, execute the established emergency action plan using effective communication and administrative practices to facilitate efficient immediate care.

For treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning, just reassess the status of injuries, illnesses, and/or conditions using standard techniques and documentation strategies in order to determine appropriate treatment, rehabilitation, and/or reconditioning and to evaluate readiness to return to a desired level of activity.

The last component is organization and administration. First of all, establish action plans for response to injury or illness using available resources to provide the

required range of health care services for individuals, athletic activities, and events. Secondly, establish policies and procedures for the delivery of health care services following accepted guidelines to promote safe participation, timely care, and legal compliance. Then establish policies and procedures for the management of health care facilities and activity areas by referring to accepted guidelines, standards, and regulations to promote safety and legal compliance.  Maintain records using an appropriate system to document services rendered, provide for continuity of care, facilitate communication, and meet legal standards. And finally develop professional relationships with appropriate individuals and entities by applying effective communication techniques to enhance the delivery of health care.

Klossner D, ed. NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook: 2005–06. Indianapolis: National Collegiate Athletic Association, 2005.

Klossner D, ed. NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook

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