What You Need To know About Resuscitation Training

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There are several types of resuscitation training provided by approved organizations in Canada.  Some of them include how to apply rescue breathing, how to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation for infants, children and adults and neonatal resuscitation. In addition, there are others such as AED or defibrillator training and how to use it and learning on how mechanical CPR devices are operated. Hands only CPR and orotracheal intubation classes are also key component of the training.

Skills Learned in Resuscitation Training

Chest compressions and ventilations
Chest compressions and ventilations are still the most effective method of rescue for lay rescuers.

CPR, specifically the one that is offered to health care providers is a combination of two different skills that include rescue breathing and chest compressions. Rescue breathing also referred by many as mouth to mouth resuscitation, is performed on victims with breathing problems and have a pulse. On the other hand, chest compressions are only conducted if a patient does not have a pulse. The resuscitation training that professionals working in the health care facilities get also involve:

  • Learning how medical equipments for maintenance of the airway and superior ventilation are used.
  • How to use items such as nasopharyngeal airways, laryngoscope for orotracheal intubation and others that are used in CPR.

Orotracheal Intubation and Neonatal Resuscitation

Orotracheal intubation refers to the placement of endotracheal tube into the trachea also referred as the wind pipe. This medical process requires more advanced training and a lot of practice for one to become efficient in it. If this procedure is conducted in the wrong way, it can lead to the death of the victim. Neonatal resuscitation refers to the restoration of spontaneous heartbeat and respirations in the neonate. It also involves the establishment of these fundamental functions. For one to get well versed to conduct it, specialized resuscitation training is also required.

Levels of theTraining

It may be viewed like the several types of the training act as the reflection of the different levels of the training. For instance, common people tend to learn hands only CPR while those with the desire to work in the emergency medical services must learn all the procedures involved. They will need to learn basic life support level to be able to work in ambulance and in the emergency departments in health care facilities.

Paramedic professionals and care paramedics must posses all the resuscitation skills referred as advanced life support. Resuscitation training on how to use the different equipments is offered only with EMS systems that make use of equipments in their operations.

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