How to do CPR HCP on a Adult

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Health care provider CPR, also known as CPR HCP, is one of the most intensive CPR courses offered through the major providers. This course is designed for people that work in the health care industry and have access to CPR equipment and work with other staff trained in CPR HCP. This material posted in this page on CPR HCP on adult victims is for information purposes only, if you want to learn to do CPR take a CPR HCP course in Winnipeg. workplace approved CPR HCP training centres are located throughout Canada. Take a look at our locations page for more location information. The following providers offer CPR HCP courses that meet legislative standards for 2012:

  • Vancouver First Aid
  • Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
  • St Mark James Training
  • St. Johns Ambulance
Scenario: You are working at a nursing home and find someone lying on the floor. They are not breathing and unconscious. They do have a pulse.

Steps to doing CPR HCP on a adult:

Step 1: Scene assessment. 

Prior to attending to the victim, or possible victim, the rescuer must complete a scene assessment. The rescuer must assess the scene for any hazards that could harm the rescuer(s) or further harm the victim. The rescuer should not proceed if he or she finds any hazards. If the hazards can not be moved safely or if the victim can not be moved away from the hazards contact emergency medical services (EMS).

Step 2. Victim assessment.

The second step to rescuing an adult victim is assessing the victim. Rescuer(s) must determine the level of consciousness of the victim and responsiveness of the victim. This is done by tapping the victim on the shoulders and talking to the victim. If the victim does not respond proceed to step 3.

Step 3. Open the airway.

In order to determine if the victim is breathing, the rescuer must first open the patients’ airway. This is done via a “chin-lift and head-tilt” procedure. The rescuer will place two fingers under the victims’ chin and the other palm on the victims’ forehead and slowly tilt the head back. If the rescuer(s) suspect a head or neck injury it is recommended that they do a “jaw-thrust” procedure to open the airway. The “jaw-thrust” is not covered in this page.

Step 4. Check for breathing.

To check for breathing, the rescuer should place his or her ear next to the victims’ mouth and watch the stomach / chest of the victim. In this procedure, the rescuer will look, listen and feel for breathing for no more than 5 seconds. The rescuer is checking for ‘normal’ breathing. In this scenario the victim is not breathing.

Step 5. Check for pulse.

In CPR HCP training the rescuer(s) must check for circulation. This is done by placing two or three fingers on the victims’ carotid artery. The rescuer(s) will check for pulse for no more than 10 seconds. In this scenario the victim has a pulse.

Step 6. Notify EMS.

CPR HCP candidates are trained to rescue victims and must stay to proceed with resuscitation. Rescuer(s) will inform a bystander to contact EMS.

The bystander must be told:

  • The condition of the victim
  • To contact EMS
  • To report back
  • To bring an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Asked if he or she understands

If the rescuer(s) are not confident that the bystander can complete this task then the rescuer(s) can send someone to assist him or her.

Step 7. Rescue breathing.

The rescuer(s) will use whatever protective equipment they have, whether it is a bag-valve mask or a pocket mask, and provide resuscitation for the victim. For an adult, one breath is to be given every 5 to 6 seconds. The rescuer(s) should be conscious of the victim(s) chest and will stop ventilating once the rescuer(s) see it rise.

Step 8. Re-assess.

Every two minutes the rescuer(s) must re-assess the victim. This is done by re-checking the breathing and the circulation of the victim.

When to stop:

The rescuer(s) should stop only for the following reasons:

  • They are unable to continue due to fatigue.
  • More qualified personal tell them to stop.
  • The AED has arrived and it has been turned on and prompted the rescuer(s) to stop.
  • The victims’ vitals have changed

The material posted here is for information purposes only. To learn to do CPR at a “HCP” standard then take a hands-on CPR course through a credible provider. A list of credible provider and training partners is located in the main menu or side menu.

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The information posted on this page is for educational purposes only.
If you need medical advice or help with a diagnosis contact a medical professional