Reducing Cases of Burns With Burn Prevention

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Watch this video first and learn more about the very basic of first aid treatment to burns.

Burns are among the leading causes of injuries in children. They most commonly occur at home but can happen in almost any place. Scald burns are more common among young children, while older children are more prone to flame burns. However, children may also sustain burns due to chemicals, electricity, and hot liquids spilled in the kitchen.

Burns can be very painful for children. Unlike adults, children have very low pain threshold. When they sustain burn, they can be very irritable that can make it even more difficult to attend to their injuries. Often, you will find a difficult time providing first aid for burns in children.

Moreover, children’s skin is comparably thinner, which means they can sustain burns even at low temperature. As a matter of fact, exposure to tap water at 140 degrees Fahrenheit for more than three seconds can lead to a third-degree burn in young children. Note that many cases of scalding injuries are due to hot water for bathing. For this reason, first time mums and care-givers are encouraged to learn how to properly bathe infants through babysitting courses offered by training institutions such as workplace approved. CPR HCP Re-certifications will always be available if you wish to have your certificate valid.

Here are several burn prevention tips that you can take to prevent burns in children:

Cooling a Burn with Cold Clean Water
Get to learn the basic first aid treatment to burns
  • Make sure water heater thermostat is set at or below 120 degrees Fahrenheit. You may also invest in anti-scald devices that can be installed in shower heads and water faucets to prevent scalding.
  • Check water temperature before bathing your child. You can use your wrist or elbow, or a bath thermometer.
  • Keep back burners on stove out of children’s reach. Make sure pot handles are turned towards the back of the stove.
  • Keep children away from stove when cooking. Put your child in a safe area, such as a crib, play pen, or high chair.
  • Do not leave a child unsupervised in a kitchen.
  • Do not carry a child while carrying hot food or hot liquids.
  • Placemats and tablecloths are not recommended when feeding young children. Accidentally pulling on them can cause hot drinks or food to spill over them.
  • Always check microwaved drinks and foods before handing to a young child. As much as possible, do not use the microwave to heat baby bottles since they may unevenly distribute the heat.
  • When opening microwaved containers, open it away from you and your child. The steam can cause scalding.
  • Keep curling irons, irons, and other heat-producing housewares away from children.

Never allow a child to play on fire, matchsticks or fireworks. Trainable, school-aged children are sometimes allowed to cook or use fire, but only under supervision. Try workplace approved CPR HCP Ottawa now.

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