Food Allergy

Food Allergy

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Food allergy results in an unpleasant reaction that occurs

after eating a certain types of food that your immune system responds to due to which, even the smallest intake of such foods may result in discomfort.

Food allergy usually occurs among babies and children. Most children are capable of outgrowing their food allergies by the age of seven. It can also be brought on into adulthood. In some cases, food allergy may be triggered due to long exposure to certain products. The signs and symptoms of food allergies may vary from types of foods. Anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening may sometimes occur due to the allergens.

What Causes Food Allergy?

Your immune system is designed to protect the body from harmful bodies and pathogens that may be harmful to the body. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system attacks a normal or good substance by mistaken for a harmful pathogen. The body’s immune system then sends white blood cells to attack these substances which trigger the allergic reaction. The most common allergic components are usually the type protein in the food. The immune system reacts the same way when it is fighting off other harmful bodies.

Food allergy Signs and Symptoms

Food allergy symptoms can show up anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after coming in contact with certain allergens. Signs and symptoms may vary from itching of the mouth to red, watery eyes.

When to seek medical attention for food allergy

Sometimes, the body might go into a state of shock where the body’s blood pressure drops very low. This is a symptom of anaphylaxis and a sign to get immediate treatment. Other signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis can vary from intense chest pain to severe breathing difficulties. This is a medical emergency. Get help immediately. Do not hesitate as this may be a life or death situation.

Even if you suffered from a mild allergic reaction due to food allergy, it would be wise to pay your doctor a visit. It would be best if you can consult your doctor during the allergic reaction to make the diagnosis easier. Guidance from your doctor can help avoid allergic reactions from getting worse with time.

Food allergy treatment

Antihistamine drugs weren’t meant to prevent allergic reactions and should not be taken for this purpose. They can only be taken after coming into contact with soy to help ease the discomfort.

Serious allergic reactions from contact with soy products might call for epinephrine shots. They are used for anaphylaxis treatment. Guidance from your doctor is a must to use these drugs.

Advices and Preventions

Drink lots of water. This will help to thin secretions and reduce the discomfort during a food allergy reaction.

Food AllergyAllergies mean you might be allergic to certain foods. Among the most common allergens are dairy products, wheat, eggs, and nuts. You can eliminate one of these foods every two weeks or so and keep a lookout for improvements. Use an elimination diet to help with the discovering and working with food allergies.

Reduce or eliminate dairy products from your diet. Dairy based foods may thicken mucus and cause an increase in mucus production. This can help reduce allergic reactions involving breathing difficulties and difficulty swallowing that may result from food allergy.

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