First Aid for Choking

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If your child swallows an object, take him/her to the emergency room immediately. It’s particularly difficult if he/she swallows more than one item because it can cause severe internal damage.

Swallowing A Coin

  • Most loose change, marbles, and buttons will pass carefully out of the body in a bowel movement- usually within 7 days.
  • However, you should still let your doctor know about any digested foreign item; the doctor might suggest an x-ray to make sure it isn’t stuck in the lining of the stomach.
  • Phone right away if your youngster is aware but starts to cough or if he can’t eat or drink — the coin might be trapped in his esophagus and has to be taken surgically.

Swallowing A Foreign Object

• Most items swallowed will be removed naturally.
• Jagged items are risky.
• Sharp items should be taken out as soon as possible.

• Swallowing objects can happen to all ages.
• It is more common in children between the ages of 1 and 3.

Causes Of Swallowing Foreign Objects

• Food such as popcorn.
• Loose coins.
• Tiny toys.
• Small items such as marbles or beads.

Symptoms Of Swallowing Foreign Objects

• Coughing.
Trouble breathing.
• Panting.

Treatment Of Swallowing A Foreign Object

• If breathing is tricky, perform the Heimlich maneuver.
• Seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

On Someone Else

First Aid for Choking
First Aid for Choking

• Stand up at the back of the casualty.
• Enfold your arms around the casualty’s waist.
• Lean the casualty a bit forward.
• Take your hand and make a fist.
• Place your fist just above the casualty’s navel.
• Take your other hand and hold the fist.
• Give a solid upward force into the abdomen.
• Do again if necessary.

On Yourself
• Form a fist with your one hand.
• Take your fist and place it above your navel.
• Hold the fist with your other hand.
• Bow over a solid surface like a chair.
• Give yourself a hard upward shove.
• Do again if necessary.

Prevention Of Swallowing Foreign Objects

• Do not give potentially hazardous food to kids.
• Give tiny pieces of food to your kids.
• Avoid laughing or talking while you have food in your mouth.

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