What to do with a unconscious victim with a obstructed airway with CPR HCP Training?

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In CPR HCP candidates learn to recognize and treat victim that are unconscious and have obstructed airways. The most common first aid and CPR emergency for children involve respiratory emergencies such as obstructed airways. In this post we will go over the steps to recognize and treat victims that have become unconscious due to a obstruction. The material posted in this page is for information purposes only, if you want to learn CPR take a hands on CPR HCP course in Calgary with a credible Canadian provider.

Credible Canadian CPR HCP providers include:

  • St. Johns Ambulance
  • St Mark James Training
  • The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
  • Vancouver First Aid Ltd.

Candidates should be wary of any other providers especially providers that offer on-line courses. On-line courses and other providers may not offer certification that meets legislative standards.

Scenario: A rescuer enters a room and finds a child or adult laying on the floor. The victim is unconscious with no pulse and a obstructed airway.

Step 1: Assess the scene.

The rescuer must assess the scene for any dangers. If dangers are present the rescuer should notify EMS and await further instructions. If no dangers are present continue to step 2.

Step 2: Assess the victim.

The rescuer should assess the level of consciousness of the victim. To do this the rescuer will tap the victim on the shoulder and ask the victim to wake up. If the victim does not wake or become conscious proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Check for breathing.

The rescuer(s) will open the victim(s) airway using a head-tilt chin lift. Do not open the airway through a head tilt chin lift procedure if the rescuer(s) suspect a spinal or head injury. The rescuer(s) will use a the jaw-thrust method, not covered here, if the rescuer(s) suspect a spinal injury. By using a procedure called “look, listen and feel”, the rescuer should check the breathing of the victim by listening and feeling for breathing on his or her ear and looking at the chest and stomach for rising and falling. The rescuer should check for breathing for no more than 5 seconds.

Step 4: Check for pulse. 

The rescuer(s), trained in CPR HCP, will check the pulse of the victim by using two or three fingers on the carotid artery. The rescuer(s) should not check for pulse for more than 5 seconds.

Step 5: Send someone to contact EMS.

The rescuer(s) should someone to contact EMS. The following statements should be mentioned to a bystander as he or she is selected to contact EMS:

  • Tell the bystander to contact EMS
  • Tell the bystander to report back as soon as possible.
  • Tell the bystander the victim is unconscious and not breathing.
  • Tell the bystander to find a automated external defibrillator (AED) is bring someone trained to use it.
  • Ask the bystander if he or she understands.

If the rescuer(s) is not sure the bystander can complete these responsibilities they can send more bystanders to do the same or to assist.

Step 6: Begin chest compressions.

By land-marking on the center of the victims’ bare chest the rescuer will do 30 chest compression’s to 2 breaths. If their are two rescuers trained in CPR HCP then the compression to breath ratio is 15 to 2 breaths. The chest compressions’ should compress the victims’ chest by 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the victim.

Step 7. Give 2 breaths.

The rescuer(s) will give the victim two breaths with the use of bag-valve masks or pocket masks if available. In this scenario, since the breath does not go in the rescuer(s) will readjust the victims airway and attempt a second breath. If the second breath still does not go in, the rescuer(s) must assume that the victim has a obstructed airway.

Step 8.

The rescuer(s) will repeat the following steps

  1.  Give 30 chest compression’s.
  2.  Hook the victim(s) tongue down and out and check for obstruction. Remove obstruction if visible by sweeping.
  3. Attempt to ventilate.

The rescuer(s) will repeat steps 1 to 3 until the obstruction is removed in which they will proceed with compression’s and ventilation’s with no “hook and look”.

The rescuer(s) should stop if:

  • They are too tired to continue
  • The victims vitals change (example: the victim is revived)
  • More advanced medical help (EMS) tells the rescuer(s) to stop

To learn to treat unconscious victims with obstructed airways with CPR HCP training take a CPR HCP course through a credible provider such as workplace approved. The material posted here is for information purposes only, learn to save a life by taking a CPR course today.

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  • We have strict sourcing guidelines and only link to reputable websites, academic research institutions and medical articles.

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The information posted on this page is for educational purposes only.
If you need medical advice or help with a diagnosis contact a medical professional