Helping Someone Who Has Fainted

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When there is a brief drop in blood pressure that results in the person losing consciousness, this is known as fainting. Usually, the person is suffering from some sort of drop in blood vessels or in the heartbeat itself. Blood vessels are continuously working, thus their size changes to ensure blood pressure is regulated. Those who suffer from blood vessels dilating, may find that they have some sort of pain, distress, or extreme heat that is causing this to happen.

Fainting Symptoms

For those who faint, there are several symptoms including:

  • A pale complexion
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Dizziness
  • Light-headedness
  • Collapsing
  • For a few seconds, unconsciousness
  • Recovery is after a few minutes

When a person collapses, there are times in which this is a serious issue such as a stroke or their heart rhythm has been disturbed. In either case, when you faint, this could be your body stating that something is wrong, and you need to be medically examined.

Drop in Blood Pressure: The Causes


There are several factors that could be causing a temporary drop in blood pressure, resulting in fainting. This includes:

  • Standing for long periods of time
  • Being extremely hot
  • Being in emotional distress
  • Severe pain
  • Seeing blood
  • The sight of a needle
  • Other events that you may find distressing

What to do when you Feel Faint

When there is a brief drop in blood pressure that results in the person losing consciousness, this is known as fainting. Usually the person is suffering from some sort of drop in blood vessels or in the heartbeat itself. To help you when you feel faint, if you can lie down, then elevate your feet, this can help to ensure that consciousness is not lost. In certain cases, getting some fresh air can also help, especially if you are feeling hot. If you cannot do these things, put your head between your knees as far as possible. If you do end up fainting, be sure that you stay lying down for a few minutes, then slowly get up to avoid fainting again.

Fainting and First Aid

If you are with someone who faints, the first aid for this is:

  • Get the person laying on the ground, if they are not already
  • If the person is unconscious, roll them to their side and see that they are breathing and have a pulse
  • Elevate the person’s feet above their head if possible
  • Loosen clothing if you feel heat could be the reason for losing consciousness, or you can cool the person off with a damp cloth
  • If the person has fallen, check for injuries that may have occurred during the fall
  • If the person does not regain consciousness in a few minutes, call emergency medical services.

 Related Video On Fainting

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