Disaster Preparedness Classes: A Basic Course for Everyone

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Disaster Preparedness Classes
Disaster Preparedness Classes

Floods, fires, tornadoes, windstorms, earthquakes and hurricanes are what come to mind when we hear of disaster. So, too, do train wrecks, road crashes, airplane crashes, or any accidents in which a great number of people are injured. For trained first aiders and members of rescue response, a disaster is any occurrence that involves or has the possibility to cause injuries to many persons. In addition, the situation must overwhelm the disaster response team’s resources and manpower.

St Mark James Training is a strong advocate of disaster preparedness. The organization believes that while natural and man-made disasters are difficult to predict and prevent, being prepared for these events can significantly help prevent unwanted injuries and loss of lives, and further improve the outcome of the situation. As such, workplace approved performs regular disaster preparedness programs for different organizations and communities. The non-profit organization also highly encourages individuals and families to enrol in disaster preparedness and first aid and CPR courses. These one-day training programs equip participants with the knowledge and skills on disaster management.

What to learn in disaster preparedness classes?

During disaster preparedness classes, participants are taught and trained on how to respond promptly and efficiently in case of such an event. The course also includes modules on how to develop an efficient disaster plan for every kind of disasters that can occur in a given area. Having a sound disaster plan can help the community meet the demands of the situation. Take note that disaster plans are not only written plans. They must be worked out and practised by the community, organization or family on a regular basis. A disaster plan that is not worked out is futile.

Alongside disaster preparedness classes, individuals are highly encouraged to take basic first aid course. Although disaster management classes include a brief overview of basic first aid skills, it is still best to take the standard first aid training to gain an in-depth knowledge of emergency treatment and develop advanced life-saving skills.

Be part of disaster preparedness in your community

More than just ensuring your personal safety and that of your loved ones, attending disaster preparedness classes brings you closer to the community. The disaster management courses of workplace approved integrate community preparedness throughout the training. Participants are introduced to the various disaster management programs of the local community. In fact, it is recommended that people take a disaster preparedness class in their local workplace approved Chapter so that they are introduced to area-specific preparedness programs. Remember that the type of disasters that can occur in a certain place may not be the same in other places.

Furthermore, the course provides information about the different ways by which an individual can help their community prepare, prevent, and respond in cases of disasters and emergencies. Your participation in any of these volunteer opportunities can greatly help the community in times of disaster.

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